Saturday, December 15, 2007

Medical Treatment with holiday option

Imagine some one telling you to leave your country and visit different country 1000's miles away, if this statement was send 10 years back people in UK and USA must be making a joke on you, but now is the time when this statement is becoming true, with 1000's of people from across the globe travelling to India to get the best medical treatment, it could be because of lack of medical facilites in their respected country or could be because of large waiting list for the medical procedure back home. India has become a preffered destnation, not only the hospitals providing the best of the medical treatments but even the Govt of India are providing the best of the infrastruture to support, with wide roads, world class hospitals and hotels, which can make your stay healthy. Just tink if a doctor in UK tells you to undergo PET CT scan, you think of it as its urgent for your health, you plan to do it private, spend your saving for 2500 pounds but a day before the scan some one like us tells you that we can offer the same scan to you at 1500 pounds, would you be intrested, yes it is possible, travel to INDIA + PET CT scan + Trip to TAJ MAHAL = 1500 pounds . This is just an example, we can offer world class treatments with the same if not better medical facilities in the west.

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